Can We Design Our Own Smile?

Can we see what we will look like before the dental treatment?

Yes!, The answer is a resounding big YES! Especially at Dr. Nirali’s Smile Craft Dental Clinic.

When you look in the mirror does your reflection smile back at you? Do you smile with your mouth closed, when posing for photographs? Do you feel self-conscious about speaking in public because you’re embarrassed by your smile?
If you’ve felt unhappy about your smile for some time now & if it is preventing you from leading a normal life, it’s time for a smile makeover. Cosmetic dentistry and smile designing offered at the Smile Craft Dental Clinic might be just what you need for that elusive happiness.

A “smile makeover” is not just a self-indulgent cosmetic procedure. Having a beautiful smile is not necessarily a sign of vanity but having an attractive smile, in fact, improves a person’s self-esteem and self-confidence. What’s more, people with appealing smiles are viewed in a more positive light by other people and are often considered to be more trustworthy and honest. With all these benefits, who wouldn’t want to have a beautiful smile? At Baines Dentistry, we understand how your smile can impact your quality of life, which is why we offer smile makeovers to our patients from throughout the Austin, TX, area.

Before knowing more about designing your own smiles, let us first understand what a smile makeover is all about. A smile makeover is a process of improving the appearance of the smile through one or more cosmetic dental procedures, such as:
• Teeth whitening
• Composite bonding
• Dental veneers
• Tooth implants

Several criteria like the general facial appearance, skin tone, and color, hair color, teeth parameters (color, width, length, shape and tooth display), gum tissue color and length of visibility as well as statistics of our lips have to be taken into consideration when we talk about smile makeovers. They are obviously performed to enhance one’s appearance but beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder and what may be attractive to you may not match someone else’s vision. So, the makeover needs to be customized according to your own unique considerations and requirements.

At Smile Craft Dental Clinic, we know that having a beautiful smile can help create the confidence a person needs, to make an impression on others. The USP of Smile Craft Dental Clinic is to bring your Smile back to life and the bonus: we enable our patients to see the potential of their future smiles, i.e. what they will look like afterward, before actually starting their dental treatment, further enabling confident smiles.

“What is it that you like or dislike about your smile or your teeth?
What feature do you want your dentist to correct or improve on?”

What if these questions, which are primary in your mind, when you visit the dentist can be answered with a visual picture rather than just words? At Smile Craft Dental Clinic, we have the latest in technology to do just that… give you a visual picture of what is wrong, how it can be corrected, and how you will look after it is corrected before any dental procedures are actually carried out in the oral cavity. This is called SMILE DESIGNING/ MAKEOVER.

The ceramist, lab technician, and the materials chosen by your dentist also impact the longevity of the smile makeover. To achieve the best results, special care has to be taken when selecting your cosmetic dentist and inquiring about your material options.
Some aspects of your smile that your cosmetic dentist will review with you and that could be improved include the following:

Tooth Colour: The right balance between providing a brighter, whiter smile and maintaining a natural tooth color to give a youthful appearance. Old and discolored fillings too can be replaced with natural, tooth-colored restorations & teeth whitening can improve the color of stained or dulled teeth.

Alignment and Spacing: Teeth that are crooked, overlapping, or have gaps between them can be straightened and aligned when necessary.

Missing Teeth: Missing tooth structure or one or more missing teeth can negatively affect the appearance of a smile – as well as affect the biting efficacy and may even increase the risk of further tooth decay in the mouth. So, replacement is an integral part of not just facial aesthetics but even overall oral health. Replacement can be done with composite bonding, porcelain veneers, dental implants, crowns, bridges, or partial dentures to fill in the gaps in aesthetics.

Harmony and Balance: In addition to the color, alignment & missing teeth or tooth structure in the aesthetic zone of your smile (the section of upper and lower teeth that show when you smile), a gummy smile or too much gum visibility may also be hampering the harmony of your smile and for an improved appearance, may need to be re-contoured to help improve the overall look of the smile.

Fuller Lips, Smile, and Cheeks: In the age of anti-aging dentistry, an aging face can be improved or rejuvenated with certain procedures in the smile makeover category which may include oral maxillofacial surgery too.
After a thorough review, wherein your existing dentition is visible to you outside your mouth, the cosmetic dentist will work closely with you to develop a treatment plan designed to achieve exactly what you want from your makeover. This treatment plan may consist of any of many cosmetic and functionally restorative procedures.

When making a treatment plan, the cosmetic dentist will be taking several aesthetic components into account, the names and meanings of which may not be easy to comprehend as dental lingo can be a little daunting. For example, the following aesthetic components are considered by your dentist to help you plan your own Smile Makeover:

Tooth Length: Long teeth lend a youthful appearance & a gummy smile may make teeth appear shorter. Reshaping and lengthening the anterior teeth with composite bonding or porcelain veneer & modification of the gum line with laser dentistry may provide a sound solution.

Tooth to Face Proportion: Overall facial appearance decides tooth shape to some extent. For example, shapely, long, square teeth on a round-faced individual can provide a slimming effect.

Smile Line: The smile line is an imaginary line that follows the edges of your upper teeth from side to side, which ideally should be the same as the curve of your lower lip when you smile. This standard point of reference may be used to help determine how long your new teeth should be.

Tooth Proportions: Your cosmetic dentist will examine your teeth to determine if they are in correct proportion with each other. Most people recognize a pleasing smile as one in which the two central front teeth are dominant and have a width-to-length ratio of 4-to-5. This proportion guides the length and width of other teeth in the aesthetic zone so that the smile line appears balanced.

Tooth Texture and Characterization: An artistic dentist can characterize your crowns or veneers to create a more feminine or a more masculine appearance, in addition to matching the look and feel of natural teeth or those you’ve seen in photographs.
These terms may sound like Greek and Latin to some people. But what if they can be explained to you visually on a computer with software? Not only that, what if you could select these parameters on your own for your smile without relying completely on the dentist’s discretion? And what if you could visualize the after results as well as select more than 2 options to determine the choices you have for how you want your smile to appear????

Lots of what if’s!

At smile craft center, all these questions and what if’s are answered in a very positive and satisfying manner.
Your oral health must also be evaluated before a cosmetic dentist develops a plan for your smile makeover. At smile craft dental clinic, your dentist will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your teeth, gums, underlying support structure, and bite (occlusion) to determine candidacy for a smile makeover. If your evaluation reveals that you have an oral health problem – such as a misaligned bite (malocclusion) or gum disease – you will need to have that taken care of first.

The Cost of a Smile Makeover

The duration of treatment and cost of your smile makeover will, however, vary depending on your dentist, his/her expertise, your location, the economics of the treatment &/or your dental insurance, the state of your oral health at the time of starting the treatment and need for any pre-treatment if required, and of course, the choice of your customized makeover plan and the number of stages involved.

Your treatment may be more expensive and take longer if your dentist identifies any underlying oral health issues before beginning treatment. Although most restorative procedures are pocket-friendly.

